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At Belton Woods Golf Course we are concerned that you are as safe as is reasonably practicable whilst playing golf.


  • It is the responsibility of your parents or guardians to satisfy themselves that you are safe and will to be accountable for their child’s actions at all times.


  • Parents or guardians are also reminded that playing golf can put youngsters out of sight in relatively isolated countryside.


  • Please ensure that you do not go to the golf course to play alone.


  • Please ensure that you know what time you are being collected, where you are being met, and who is collecting you.


  • Ask your parents to check your household insurance to make sure that you have suitable insurance cover, particularly public liability.


  • If you have a mobile phone, it is a good idea to keep it with you in their your golf bag as a safety precaution. However, whilst on the course, efforts must be made not to disturb other golfers and it is suggested the the phone either be on a silent setting or be turned off. The phone should not be used except in emergencies.


When you are travelling to away matches, the junior organisers will try to arrange transport. However, it is stressed that the your parents must accept responsibility for ensuring you arrive at the matches on time.  It would also be appreciated if your parents would offer transport whenever possible.


We are here to try and ensure that all juniors at Belton Woods Golf Club have an enjoyable time both on and off the course.


If you have any concerns or questions about the playing or social side of your membership please do not hesitate to contact a member of the Junior Committee.

Belton Woods Junior Section 2020
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