As a young golfer taking part in a BELTON WOODS GC activity, you should:
Help create and maintain an environment free of fear and harassment
Demonstrate fair play and apply golf’s standards both on and off the course
Understand that you have the right to be treated as an individual
Respect the advice that you receive
Treat others as you would wish to be treated yourself
Respect other people and their differences
Look out for yourself and for the welfare of others
Speak out (to your parents or a club representative) if you consider that you or others have been poorly treated.
Be organised and on time
Tell someone in authority if you are leaving the venue
Accept that these guidelines are in place for the well-being of all concerned
Treat organisers and coaches with respect
Observe instructions or restrictions requested by the adults looking after you
You should not take part in any irresponsible, abusive, inappropriate or illegal behaviour which
Using foul language
Publicly using critical or disrespectful descriptions of others either in person or through text, email or social network sites
Consuming alcohol, illegal performance-enhancing drugs or stimulants